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Monday, November 8, 2010

The rain just keeps falling....

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More shocking news to my life.

i still can't share....too many people that I know read this. hehe! (thanks for reading!)

im just wondering where the "off" switch is for all the stress that keeps falling into my life.

i dont know what i would do without my mom, i really have no idea. she keeps me grounded & takes better care of me than anyone else.

i need her more than ever right now.


i'm off work tomorrow & the next day, thank goodness!!

i've had some type of throat/chest cold goin on & it keeps gettin worse everyday i have to be at work talkin to customers. i keep having coughing fits & have to leave the customer standing to go drink some water...makes me feel stupid, lol.

tomorrow, chris has to go get fillings! i cant believe it. i dont know why, we brush his teeth very well. and leonel has never ever had a cavity (he's 23) & i only got them after pregnancies (when i was 19). so its odd that he has 2 cavities already! i hope he's not too scared & it doesnt hurt. they aren't giving any type of cooky gas or novocaine...so we'll see!

im having a very hard time coming up with things to say on here. my life has taken a drastic turn & most things, i dont particularly want to go into detail about for now. maybe later, i will. sorry for the fans im losing. please stick around!

Love always!!


Morgan said... 1

I'm so so so sorry :o( I know that doesn't really help and I seriously wish I could do more. You are such a dear friend to me and I want you to be eternally happy; you deserve it!! Always praying for you. Don't forget to text me tomorrow about....

Morgan said... 2

Oh yeah, and maybe Chris just has thin enamel. Once his permanent teeth come in they will be able to seal them. And anyone who quits following is a loser in the first place :oP

JennRawks said... 3

im sorry for whatever you are going through and now that i am in ohio, im all ears! i'm glad we always stayed in contact and with your 2 boys and my 2 girls we should DEF hang out sometime!! If you need anything--im not that far away anymore =)

JennRawks said... 4
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Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said... 5

Sorry to hear about the stress that totally sucks.

I'm glad you enjoy our Sunday Hop! Even though I'm a follower wanted to stop by and say Hi, give some bloggy love!

Valery (CEO Wanna Be) said... 6

Hi I am a new follower from relax and surf.

Vi Win Win said... 7

following you from the Sunday Blog Hop!
