Another fun book review & giveaway! And this time there are THREE, count 'em, three books in this prize pack!
1. Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles (vol 2) ($14.95)
2. Puzzle Baron's Sudoku ($9.95)
3. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picture Puzzles (vol 2) ($10.95)
These three brain-challenging books include a variety of puzzles for
beginner through expert solvers. If the puzzles prove too difficult,
there’s an answer key in each book to help.
My thoughts:
I love the feel of the books. Sturdy and nicely constructed covers. My oldest son, age 5, really enjoys the picture puzzle book. I was afraid to have him write in it, as it is a glossy paged book. They are very portable, perfect to take to soccer practice, at the beach, on road trips, etc. If you enjoy brain teasers, these are perfect for you! The puzzles range from easy to hard so there's something to appeal to anyone who loves a challenge.
One reader will win their own trio of puzzle books to enjoy!
Mandatory entry: You must be a public GFC follower to qualify. Leave a comment saying you are (if you already are, it still counts as an entry)
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Thanks for reading and good luck!!